Association of Christians Ministering among Internationals
The 2016 annual conference will be held among the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Estes Park, Colorado. We'll meet May 26-29*. Take a look at where we'll be gathering for meetings, meals, fellowship and lodging! Make this part of your Memorial Day/Summer vacation plans as there will be the option to arrive before or stay after the main Conference dates.**Though still a conventional ACMI Conference designed to equip, connect and encourage those engaged in or desiring to launch international student ministries (ISM), the 2016 Conference will be family friendly. The YMCA of the Rockies offers lots of on-site complimentary recreation! Children's activities will be available during the conference, and childcare will be available for younger children. 2016 CONFERENCE PLENARY SESSION SPEAKERS: Georges Houssney - Founder and President, Horizons International Georges Houssney was raised in the city of Tripoli, Lebanon. He came to faith in Jesus Christ as a teenager. Soon God grew a deep love in his heart for those without Christ, and he began to sense Gods' call for full-time service among them. He is well-known for his work supervising the translation and publication of the Bible into clear modern Arabic. He writes and lectures internationally, and strives to awaken a new generation who will proclaim the gospel boldly. Doug Shaw - President, International Students Inc. Indian-born, Dr. Douglas Shaw, once an international student himself, is the President/CEO of International Students, Inc. in Colorado Springs, Colorado and has served in that role since 2001. After receiving his initial education in Calcutta, Dr. Shaw came to the United States and earned both an MA and Ph.D. degrees.... At a time of changing paradigms in Missions, Doug Shaw is firmly focused on driving forward the strategic goals of ISI as it pertains to reaching out to future world leaders.... Comments are closed.
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May 2016
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